Meet our Team

MJ Molina
(214) 519-5661

Where were you born and raised? 
Born and raised in Honduras

What do you like most about your job? 
I like it because it allows me to interact with different and diverse people, stay organized, every day is different and that challenges me to look for other alternatives to get the job done.

Do have pets? If so, tell us about them:
No, but we are talking about having one, we already decided on a breed.

Who is your favorite author, and why? 
Don’t have a favorite author, but my favorite book is The Count of Montecristo.

What is your favorite type of food, and why?
I love bowls (like Chipotle or Cava). So easy to make and there are many variations of it!

Where is your favorite vacation destination, and why?
The beach, it’s my happy place, love how my kids have a blast playing and swimming, while me and my husband ‘’relax’’, swim, jam to music and stay until the sun is setting!

What is your favorite sports team?
Real Madrid

What is your favorite type of music, and why?
I listen to everything, love to hear a variety of genres, old or new.

What is your greatest guilty pleasure?
Rewatching series (can’t stop watching Friends and Gossip Girl)

How would you spend an ideal evening?
My perfect evening includes my family, the sunset and a walk.